Svensk-engelsk ordlista för avtalsrörelsen
A Swedish-English glossary with some of the most common words used during agreements negotiations.
Ajournera: Adjourn
Allmänna anställningsvillkor: General terms of employment
Arbetsgivaravgift: Employer’s tax
Arbetsledningsrätt: Right to direct work
Arbetsmarknad: Labour market
Arbetsrätt: Labour law
Arbetstidskonto: Working time account
Avtal: Agreement
Avtalsdelegation: Negotiating committee
Avtalskrav: Contractual requirements
Avtalslöst tillstånd: State of non-agreement
Avtalsperiod: Agreement period/Term of agreement
Avtalssekreterare: Negotiating Secretary
Avtalsturlista: Collectively agreed redundancy list
Bemanningsavtalet: Staffing agreement
Blockad: Blockade
Bruttolön: Gross pay
Central förhandling: High-level negotiations
Central lönebildning: Central pay formation
Disponibel inkomst: Disposable income
Dispositiv: Discretionary
Fredsplikt: No-strike agreement
Förbundsavtal: National collective agreement
Förbundsstyrelsen: National Executive Committee
Förhandling: Negotiation
Förhandlingsordningsavtal: Negotiating procedure agreement
Föräldralön: Parental pay
Generalstrejk: General strike
Generellt påslag: General pay increase
Huvudavtal: Basic agreement
Huvudorganisationer: Central organisations
Hängavtal: Application agreement
Individgaranti: Guaranteed wage increase
Individuell lönesättning: Wage set on an individual basis
Individuell löneutveckling: Individual wage development
Inflation: Inflation
Kollektivavtal: CBA - collective (bargaining) agreement
Lagen om anställningsskydd, LAS: Employment Protection Act
Lockout: Lock out
Lokala förhandlingar: Local negotiations
Lokal lönebildning: Local pay formation
Lokal pott: Local pay settlement
Lägstalön: Minimum wage
Lönebildning: Pay formation
Löneglidning: Pay drift
Lönenormering: Pay normative
Lönerevision: Pay review
Lönespridning: Pay range
Lönesystem: Payroll system
Löneutrymme: Total sum available for pay increases
Löneväxling: Pay sacrifice
Marknadskrafter: Market forces
Medarbetaravtal: Collective agreement
Medling: Mediation
Medlingsinstitutet (MI): Mediation agency
Minimilön: Minimum wage
Märket: Benchmark
Nattmangling: Negotiations into the night
Nettolön: Net pay
Nominell löneökning: Nominal pay increase
Nollavtal: Numberless agreement.
Omställningsavtal: Redundancy programme agreement
Opo: Impartial chair
Osakliga löneskillnader: Unjustifiable pay differences
Parter: Parties
Pott: Pay settlement
Prolongering: Temporary continuation of collective agreement
Reallön: Real wage
Reallöneökning: Real-wage increase
Relativlöneförändring: Relative pay adjustment
Retroaktiv lön: Back pay
Riksavtal: National collective agreement
Sifferlösa avtal: Numberless agreement
Strandning: Breakdown
Strejk: Strike
Strejkkassa: Strike fund
Strejkvakt: Picket, picket line
Strejkbrytare: Strike breaker
Stridsåtgärder: Industrial action
Sympatiåtgärd: Secondary action, sympathy action
Tillsvidareanställning: Permanent employment
Turordning: Order of selection
Turordningslista: Collectivelyagreedredundancy list
Varsel: Institutional advance notification
Vikariat: Cover replacement work
Vild strejk: Wildcat strike
Visstidsanställning: Fixed-term employment
Värdediskriminering: Value discrimination
Yrkande: Move, require, demand
Yrkesutveckling: Career development
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