Join us

Get your first month for free and your second month for only 80 SEK! This offer is available to all new members who choose direct debit or e-invoice as their payment method. (Additional fees for unemployment insurance may apply.)
Do you wish to start membership later than March?
Basic salary / compensation such as unemployment insurance or sickness benefit.
Fee without unemployment insurance
By becoming a member, you confirm that you have read and accept the

Power of attorney

In order to approve your membership application with the trade union Kommunal, we need to receive a complete application. If you have not submitted a complete application, we will contact you to complete the application. 

Once you have become a member of Kommunal, it is up to you to decide how you want to pay your membership fee. In cases where the membership fee is made through a salary deduction, you hereby give Kommunal permission to make such a deduction.  

If you do not opt out of Kommunal’s life insurance, you will join this scheme. You will receive more information about the insurance policies in your membership documents once your membership takes effect.

Processing of personal data 

The information you provide in this membership application is of such a nature that it constitutes or may constitute personal data under Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council. The purpose of the processing of these personal data is primarily to enable us to process your application and administer your membership with us. 

We also need to use the data in order to protect your interests in the labour market and in social life in general. 

Your data are also used to inform you about various issues related to your working conditions, trade union activities or the like, and to enable us to administer any studies and training courses and invoice and manage membership fees every month. 

We also need to be able to disclose the information for other work that we perform within the framework of our union activities. Therefore, we disclose necessary personal data about your membership in Kommunal to those we collaborate with, in order to offer you various benefits included in your membership or to manage your membership fee. Examples of such benefits and partners include insurance and insurance companies, banking centers, and employers. Among these, Folksam, LO Mervärde, and Kommunalarbetaren can be mentioned.

The processing of your personal data for basic trade union activities is based on the legal grounds of “fulfilling obligations” and “legitimate activities”, pursuant to the GDPR, Article 9, paragraph 2(b) and (d). Read more about the processing of personal data